On the 22th of November I’m hosting a LiveMeeting on how to integrate the different System Center products.
We’ll go over the different steps to integrate the different System Center products to get past the standard “just monitor it” scenario with SCOM but truly integrate the different products together.
All the products will be positioned within the System Center stack and integrations will be showcased.
If you are looking for a session to convince your boss to install more system center products or just want to convince yourself of the force of system center products brought together…
Register here:https://msevents.microsoft.com/CUI/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=1032533093&Culture=en-us&community=0
On the 8th of May I’ll be hosting a LiveMeeting that will hopefully give you some answers to some of the most heard questions buzzing around at MMS2012:
Should I upgrade to SCOM2012?
Join me to give you strong arguments to do so!
The abstract of the livemeeting:
After all the work you’ve put in your Scom2007 environment to get it state of the art is it worth upgrading to scom2012?
Will I risk my Scom2007 environment while upgrading to Scom2012?
Will I really benefit from upgrading in my environment?
If you ask yourself one of the questions above make sure to join this session to get some answers to get you going!
Register here check out the LiveMeeting to find out some answers to all these questions!