
Scugbe hosting Live Meeting Tuesday 23/04/2013



Scugbe is proud to announce that we are hosting one of the Technet Belgium Tuesday Live meeting sessions.

There will be 1 session in the morning and 1 in the afternoon hosted by Kenny Buntinx and Dieter Wijckmans.

Morning session (10AM): SCEP 2012 inside CM12 : Install , maintain and manage

Kenny Buntinx will guide you through the process of monitoring your Configmgr 2012 with System Center Endpoint Protection (SCEP). Forefront Endpoint Protection is now System Center Endpoint Protection and its integrated in ConfigMgr 2012. Attend this session to discover what’s new and hear how we successfully deployed Microsoft System Center 2012 Endpoint Protection on System Center 2012 Configuration Manager.

Register here:

Afternoon session (2PM): Jump start your application monitoring with APM

So you heard about the new feature in SCOM 2012:  APM. But what exactly is APM?
Join Dieter Wijckmans to get a jump start on monitoring your applications with APM.
Learn to configure APM and use it to gain the knowledge about your apps to quickly answer the reoccurring question: “Why is my app so slow?” ​

We’ll go over the setup and walk you through the steps to get your app monitored in no time. APM will hand you the tools to quickly set up your app monitoring so you are armed and ready when there’s again a new fingerpointing game why an application was yet again not available during business hours.

Register here:

Enough talk, let’s build
Something together.