This blog post is part of a series check out the other posts in this series:
So after all this hard work. To get the data into my MySQL dbase and into SCOM. What can I actually do with it?
This is the second part of a far greater monitoring project I’m building to basically monitor my house but now I have control over the temperature and heating in my house using the Nest Thermostat monitoring pack AND can check on my power consumption and basically control my electrical bill.
I’ve created the views in the flukso monitoring view for electricity:
Nothing much we can do with this view as this is actually giving me a good reading. It’s in fact what we can do with the data which get into SCOM. Because this data is now into SCOM we can use this data to generate alerts when sudden peaks occur.
A cool one I have setup is the peak right around supper. We have an electrical furnace so when someone starts cooking at around 18h (6PM) I now get an alert becaus the total power consumption is above 4000 watt at that time…
So I know now perfectly well when I need to rush home to get in on time for dinner…
Now that I have this data in I can move forward and build a cool demo to show the added value of having this data in.
This is the second part of the puzzle of monitoring my house. In fact this process can also be used when having a solar power installation to see the generated energy on the graph.
In short notice I will be adding Water readings to the graph as well and have another few things I would like to add to the management pack to be able to patrol my house but more on that later.